Thursday, July 21, 2011

I have no idea what to do, someone please help me.?

Hey im luis, My mother passed away September 30th 2010 from bone cancer, i have three sister no brothers, one of my sister died at like 9 months pregnant, my other sister is handi-cap and my other sister is 24. My dad isnt exactly the nicest person..he drinks alot and expects me to do everything with my handicap sister change diaper and feed her (spoon feed her)..she is 15..while i'm 14...While my mother was crying herself to sleep because of the pain of bone cancer my dad was out drinkin and when he comes home i ask him to get diapers for my mother and he says he has no money for diapers but yet he buys more beer..that's what really ticked me off...i asked for his credit card to buy an online game..i kept the info on his card saved it in notepad and everytime he would get me very mad for not caring about my mother not able to walk or even talk due to the pain of the cancer...i spent money on his credit i used his credit card all of November-April...and it racks up the total of $2500 on pure games..that i dont even play..i just had it there so that the money that he didn't spend on my mother, i spent on games. i'm so depressed about my mother..and now just realising that i owe my dad $2500...and now he physically abuses me when he drinks..and gets drunk..i take care of my handicap sister all by myself...he found a new wife...that smokes and 24 year old sister can't afford a big house so child support can take us...i need some serious help...i havn't attempted suicide...but i fear that it may come soon...i miss my mom..

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