Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why don't you believe in so called conspiracies?

Any real intellect knows the proof when it was staring at them right in the face. Even the well crafted well thought manipulated events of 9/11 will only be viewed by way of Corporate Owned News TV. Unfortunately the Public as a whole will actually believe what the mass media feeds them. Thank Goodness We the People have Uncensored Un-propagandized Free Internet. A Perfect Example: Egyptian Mass Media Propaganda trying to tell their People that there is No Revolution to over throw the Govt, when Mubarak's Regime was already being toppled. Such proof of media control of Govt Propaganda should be a sign that it could even happen here in the U.S. like what happened to 9/11. Lastly the Free Fall of both towers & Building #7 with the rate of the falling speed equal to the fall of gravity with out ANY of the steel frame structures standing, anyone who studies Controlled Demolition & Architectural Engineering knows it is impossible for it to neatly collapse to ground level with NO OBSTRUCTION in the way of the fall with out Controlled Demolition blowing it out of the way. It is sad to say that when the People finally Wake Up to the Truth, it might be too late

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