Monday, July 18, 2011

Why don't women find southern accents attractive?

I am from western North Carolina very close to the Tennessee sate line. I have a very thick Appalachian accent, and all my life I've been put down and poked fun at. But here recently I have done a lot of international travel and a lot of women from countries outside the US and Canada have openly stated that they find it very attractive and unique, which has boosted my confidence a lot. I'm curious to know why do so many American women not give me the time of day because I sound like a hillbilly, but so many chicks from Belgium, Italy, and the Balkans find it amazing? I will admit for a young guy I seem to have a aged demeanor, and good temperament. I am very respectful and one might call me an old fashioned southern gentleman. Is that what makes me seem attractive? I'm really interested in knowing what you guys think hold nothing back I can take the criticism.

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