Saturday, July 16, 2011

PLEASE HELP! I hate my dad and I wish he was dead!!?

I am 14 and he OVER protective. He doesn't let me take the bus, go out with friends, cook (because of the dangers of fire). Normally I perform on stage and when he saw me perform recently, he said "oh I was so scared you were gonna fall off stage". When I was RIGHT IN THE CENTRE! As well as my sister, because he told my mum to WALK her to the bus stop for her to go to work. She is 17 almost 18. As well as that. He is giving me a lot of stress. My mum and dad fight ALL the time and I cover my ears as hard as I can. I hate the sound of their voices! I really wanted to take suicide a few months ago because I hated the sound of their voices. But my friend told me not to. He isn't the sort of person who would listen to me, if I try to fight back with an argument he'll tell me I'm wrong and lecture me for hours. And then when I give in and say, ok, your right. He backfires and says "no, I'm not saying I'm right". And that makes me feel even worse because I just gave into him and now he's telling I'm wrong again. He is so rude aswell! He doesn't like gay or ugly people. And swears all the time. Please help! What can I do. I really don't want to talk to him nor my mum. Not a day goes by that I wished he were dead and gone. Please help

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