Saturday, July 23, 2011

ITunes is syncing unchecked songs?

I want to have only ticked songs on my iPhone and I've checked "sync only ticked songs" but it still keeps putting stuff on there that I've unticked. In the music tab I've ticked "Selected artists", etc. and then "automatically fill free space with songs". What am I doing wrong?

Foursquare not posting to facebook from my blackberry?

I have the blackberry curve which doesn't allow you to check-in to places on facebook. Instead, I decided to try posting it from foursquare. I filled out my details to connect my FS account to my FB account, and I ticked the box that said 'post this to facebook' but it's not working

Question about international students who've been in the sates over 5 years, about residency or any other help?

You should call up admissions office and set up a meeting to talk to them. and if you are interested in a couple of different colleges, talk to admissions at each

Is it ever okay to torture another human being?

Yes, it is okay. The thing is that sometimes the ends justify the means, and although I hate to say it there are occasions when torture is justifiable. That being said, these occasions very rarely occur and torture is implemented far too often in today's day and age (Exhibit A: Guantanamo Bay).

I think my puppy has a tick!! help!!?

My lab puppy is 5months old i was stroking him today and noticed a huge lump under his leg which was about the size of a ping pong ball i notices he had something black hanging out of it so i pulled it out with tweezers and it was an insect! it was black and slightly orange! however my puppy has now got a huge red lump on his leg and im worried! HELP XX

Osama bin Laden: Now what happens?!?

Alright, he is dead, pronounced yesterday. (May 1, 2011) Didn't the United Sates government think this through???? I mean now his people are going to want revenge, what's the U.S. gonna do then?? I mean.. Now what happens to all of us?? What's going to happen? How did they find him in the cave btw????

A level traditional subjects?

If you really are interested in these subjects then you should take them as you will be more motivated to do well as you will be interested in them, and in turn, get better grades. Only you can know if you are 'biting off more than you can chew'. In my opinion, of course you can get good grades with hard work. Read up on the subjects beforehand and maybe buy the revision guide. With a lot of determination and motivation brings success in almost anything that you do. Also, the fact that you have gotten A's and A*'s at GCSE level shows that you are a hard worker and scientific-minded. I wish you all the best look and wisdom in making your choices and I hope you live to be happy with whatever choice you make. If you don't go for will never know if you could have/would have done well. Have confidence in yourself!!

I found a small black shiny insect in my house...what is it?

I just found a small black shiny beetle like thing in my house. At first I was sure it was a tick, but then I looked up pictures and realized that ticks are not black and shiny. It was crawling on my carpet near a dog we are dog sitting. It was flat, and looked like a tick...but it was smooth, black and almost like a metalic shinyness to it. I tried to smash it with toilet paper and it wouldn't die/smash, so I flushed it. Wierd that it wouldn't just die. What could this thing be?

Where is my life going? (my gyspy life)?

Hello my name is Matthew im 14. i am from hawaii,but was born in san fransisco California i've been living in hawaii for 3 years. i wish to go to the mainland but can't because my dad did a crime, he is a body man and has no job, he works but its kinda like self employment except without all that taxes bullshi't. i am a gypsy, i travel a whole lot from place to place, i've lived in maybe 5 different sates, throughout 14 years of my life. people don't really know the way the gypsy culture they will likely miss under stand it, a gypsy is a person who travels alot! and dose not have a job and dose not have good credit score and dose not get "legally married" and a bunch of other stuff including paying there taxes. gypsy people don't believe in a good education because i mean seriously 8 years in school + collage? all gypsies don't believe in that some do some don't, me on the other hand im one of the lucky ones, i can read and write and spell hate math. i have missed up to 7 years of school because of my family due to traveling and my culture. the only thing a gypsy family really wants is a 3.fancy cars life to its fullest 5.have a very Very large gypsy culture collage is getting married the way i think of it, a average gypsy boy is considered a man at 14-16 i am 14 i am suppose to get married in 2-3 more years i don't, most boys do. i have a very poor family,very big but poor.constantly asking family members for money and begging. i hate begging! so embarrassing. what im trying to tell you is that i don't really know if i wanna continue to live this life. if i continue to become a gypsy my job will be to buy and sell cars, its not that bad actually i would buy a car for low money and sell it for high i would make maybe 3-5K depending on the cars.but that's not what i want nore getting married at 16 nore moving from place to place nore destroying my credit nore living a criminal life. if i chose to become a "american" my mother and father will disown me, i don't want that, the gypsy culture insists on becoming strictly gypsy, all my family will disown me, but im sure they will love me. i've told them many times if i get a job i would make more money then both of them but no...i wish i could change my life it sucks! all i do is play games all day long no school nothing not even a social life.if i do get a job i have one in mind...i would like to be a infectious disease researcher and work with the CDC in atlanta i would make around $178,000 Annual. and i would "own my home' and my car a, new one plus i'd have money in the bank,but then there's collage see that's were my problems start, i have missed all my years of school and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into a good collage since, i want to major in biology and medical no one would except me!, it would take me maybe 17 years to get my job go to collage and save up all the money to do that. i don't wanna waste 17 years of my life for that. and if i do get a job the most id ever make is maybe $35,000 Annual,i really don't no what to do? i mean some of my family members are rich from buying and selling car's and psychic readings. i don't know and even if your saying to your self were are the police,well if your saying where is child protective services they wouldn't find me because i move like crazy Plus gypsy are excellent liars,i mean i have a home i have food i have all of that i don't want the police to take me away from my family i have 3 brothers and 1 sister they don't go to school, i don't know what to do you tell me?

Have you ever made a prank call that backfired?

not me but a friend (i have no idea why he did this) when he was in london on holidays, he called someone pretending to be from british airways and was calling to reminder the guy he had a flight the next day with them. turned out he did have a flight the next day

IS This Poem Horrible (Does It Emanate Any Feelings)?

I have to agree with my sis, LC and wonder always why any include their age, but more I wonder why so many of the young or new, so often start by saying a ting is bad???

This writing any good?

Not bad - kept me interested - I think I need just a line or two near the beginning telling me where they were, setting wise - but nicely done.

Tiny black bugs that live on the curtains?

I wouldn't take the chances if they are harmless or not and just get the house sprayed inside and outside XD.

GUYS AND GIRLS! What does he see in me?

stop putting yourself down ---- he likes who you are --- he enjoys your company --- so accept it and keep seeing him ---- its not what you think about yourself that counts its what he thinks and he likes what he "sees" (im not talking just physical) ---- he is a little bit older a bit more mature and wants much more than sex ---- maybe thats the problem all you were prepared to give was sex and not your heart ---- now you find he wants your heart and are scared you cant handle it ---- ive got news for you of course you can handle it --- enjoy his company enjoy who he is enjoy the sex and see what happens ---- have fun

Why is my cat scratching herself?

i have a three yr old balinese, the last month she has been scratching herself to the point of blood, she has no fleas ticks etc. i took her to the vet, for them to charge me $150 to tell me it may be dry skin and to give it a few days, i told the vet she been doing this for what was about 2 weeks at the time. i figured id wait and see if she stopped but she hasnt, shes been tested for feline aids and what not and everything think came back good. what can i do to stop her from scratching, i tried putting her in one of those neck tubes and she just goes crazy clawing everything in site. someone told me to try putting the aloe gel stuff you put on sunburns but idk about that, seems kind of sketchy. any idea?

1994 dodge ram 318 back firing prob plz help hurry life deepends on it :P?

hi i own a 1994 dodge ram 1500 318 it backfires and miss fires and only goes about 20 mph when the gas is half or below when its above half it runs like new it gets up to 80 mph no miss no shakes no nothing just when it gets below half way it shakes and all donno if its fuel or fuel filter fuel pump the fuel pump makes a noise when it below half way mark plz help its driving me nuts its been doing this for the past 3 months im stuck in the house no way to go anywhere quick im hoping its a eazy fix (fuel filter or drain the gas) hoping not timing chain or something worst

This guy I confusing me?

Okay, I hate to admit it to you..but he's using you. I think he is attracted to you, but all he wants to do is ''get some.'' The words he used were ''friends with benefits'' which means you guys know. but just be friends, and he can be with other girls also. I hate it when guys do this, its immature and childish. Why can't they ever see that we girls, don't want to be used? we just want to be loved for who we are!! So stay away from him. Tell him that if all he wants is ''benefits'' then you are out.

Guys and girls i need advice?

ok well i av a load of guy friends nd im like one of d only girls in our group. I love all of them to pieces and i'm comfortable doing anything and everything. One of my closest guy friend is confused at whether he is gay, bi or straight sooo i was thinking of helping him out. We often get drunk and mess around soo i was thinking to help him figure out his sexuality I would give him a *******. This doesn't mean that i want to go out with him or anything because i've a crush on my other friend and my other friend and i will probably get together at our next party. I'm a girl by the way!! Soo my question is do ye think i should do something like this to help him out or am i bein a slut or will this backfire?? Any advice would help thanks!! xxxxxxxxxx

Hi i have a problem with computer if anybody could help would be great?

hi i recently opened a bad email and when i removed it with spybot it took my accessories group start menu with it and all program files for media player and other stuff. i have spent hours trying to get software to restore it. back to it original state before virus. i have tryed system restore/ anti virus software/ retore software pandora/ windows xp repair pro trial verion/ acc restore/ if i go into control panel/ folders it has a big black tick on it is that right not sure. i dont know what to do next can someone help if you know anything i can try. help would be great please.

Why is my husband treating me this way?

After 17 years and 3 kids- I complained to my husband about his lack of "romance" Meaning treating me romantically etc. He said "well if I got more sex I would treat you like that - cause I wouldn't be so sex starved". So I did just that - I started initiating sex - dressing in heels and thigh highs in the bedroom etc. Now instead of him treated me more romantically outside of the bedroom the opposite has happened. He treats me like a whore. He makes very nasty sexual comments (not around the kids) - At very inappropriate moments he will stand behind me and grab my breasts or attempt to put his hands down my pants. He thinks all sex should now be "rauncy" sex. Help. All of this has backfired!

Is it a good idea to invest in ugly chicks at a young age?

With a few tricks in makeup, a good hairdresser, a few pointers in dressing sexy - she could be that swan! And she might just be a smart one, too! I don't mean with a Black Belt in Feminist Mind Ju-Jitsu.....I mean really smart.....

Should I ignore women?

Hey there. I've recently decided to ignore women that I happen to be around, or at least act uninterested in them. So, if a woman is talking to me I'll just be like "Yeah, thats great" in a nonchalant sarcastic tone, acting like I don't really care. The main reason I decided to do this is because I've been upfront and acted interested before, and I've been ignored. It always confused me so much, well at least now I can be the one to confuse others. My question is, is this going to backfire on me eventually? I don't want to put women down and make them feel worthless, I just don't want to jump into relationships right away and only be ignored again.

What state is better to live in Washington or Oregon?

I'm about to graduate in two years and really wish to leave Texas and the South US. I'm tired of the weather,the culture... and the people more than anything else. Was looking at the East and West Coast, Cali would be cool but I am thinking Alittle bit more north. Pics I've seen of Washington and Oregon look amazing. I know its trivial to do a life change based on pics,but I want to anyways. I hate the South, and this looks like something much more beautiful than these sates have to offer. Which is better to live in? I know Seattles in Washington (frasier) and Portland is Oregon. I know it rains a lot and it gets cold. But I hate the humidity here so I can gladly change.Anyone from these states or have lived or visited there? how's the jobs? Any info would be cool.

How do I be intimate with a close friend? Kinda long but please help:(?

Try holding her hand first. Start out slow and maybe ask her if she wants to be more intimate with you. Good luck!

I feel bad because I bought animals from Petco?

Well, 9 years ago I got my first guinea pig from a little old local petshop. Now, I wished we'd gotten her brother, but that's not important. She's healthy, hardy, and seems to have a life-time contract! About 5 or 6 years ago we felt she was too lonely so we got her a friend. We had to go to Petco because it was the only place avaliable around where I live that sold another female guinea pig. She was a mess...always sick and in fact the said a vet had checked her that afternoon and gave her a clean bill of health. She was sick, it was obvious. One of the girls that worked there was fond of the little girlie and told us the store was going to put her down if no one bought her today (this was after we bought her) because they didn't want to risk infection of the other the time I was thinking "Okay, well they are just trying to prevent illness" but now I'm thinking "What the **** is wrong with them?" I didn't know about all these bad things Petco had down (the articles about them buying all those poor cruelly treated animals and then backfiring for MONEY!!!)!! 6 months ago we got two more...why? I dont know! My sister persisted that petco doesnt do anything wrong! In the cage there were two other sick guinea pigs (there were obvious signs) but we got two anyways and a different girl said "Aww I'm gonna miss these guys, they were the good ones" like....umm...excuse me? What in the world is that supposed 2 mean? The manager also assured us all animals are checked by the vet and given a clean bill of health, when we asked about the others. I wanted to get the others, for the sake that I couldn't leave the poor things, but unfortunately didnt. I no longer support PetCo in buying live animals and refuse to support them whatsoever. But my friends only support shelter animals, as I always have (I volunteer) but when they ask where I got my animals I always dodge the questions because I don't want them to know that I supported Petco. I feel so bad that I bought them, but sort of good because some people buy them to feed them to their snakes or they could've just been put down in the back of the store. I'm torn between buying the animals from PetCo because I worry about them being mis-treated but I don't want to be a supporter....Should I really feel bad for this..indirect-ish support??? Plz help..thanks ;/

Pros and cons choosing a 4 year university?.?

If you want to go to the better school, make friends and have an all around better experience, leave home. If you want to isolate yourself, and not get as good of an education but save money then stay home. It's up to you.

Ew...What's this on my foot?!?!?

Okay so, put your foot out so you can see both big toes. On the left of my right toe there's this big brown pimple thing on it. It is soooo disgusting I dunno what it is. And on my right of my left toe you can feel one forming but it's not brown...yet. Let me describe the one on my right toe. It's kind of a light-ish brown and as you go into it it gets into a black dot. It's harder then the one on my left toe....WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!? I have a wedding to go to and I can't go with a brown thing on my toe!! Please help?? I don't think it can be a tick. Because I have the same sort of thing on each of my big toes in the exact same spot. It's just my right toe is darker. Please help this is grossing me out!!! What is this?!?!?

Friday, July 22, 2011

How much do selena gomez vip gold pass tickets cost for a state fair?

i want to get these tickets for the Oregon Sate Fair so i can meet her but I'm not sure how much my friends and I need to raise. I need some help! and if you know any really good ways that work to raise a lot of money that would help leave them in you answer please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Quebec strictly French? If so how strict?

Yes, Qu�bec is French only. You'll find a lot of places (especially in Montr�al) where the people will have a working knowledge of English as well. But outside of Montr�al? Not so much. You can absolutely study French with us in Qu�bec, but I'm sorry to say that you won't be able to go to school at l'Universit� Laval. It's a Francophone university, thus, you have to be completely fluent. You also have to keep in mind that our French is different than that of the standard international French that you would've learned in school. McGill University is a great school, and it's an Anglophone University. You should look into going there! Bonne chance!

Bit by something on a camping trip baseball size reddish rash with bruising Pics included Any Idea?

Hello we're in central Illinois and went camping over the weekend my friend first noticed the bite on Saturday which looked like a mosquito bite. It was normal skin color and about the size of a peanut M & M. It was itchy. On Sunday the bump was gone and in its place was a large reddish rash with bruising. It is not painful to the touch and does not appear to have gotten bigger than on sunday although the bruising has gotten slightly more purplish in color there is no signs of puss or any type of fever. As soon as this is posted i will add a photo bucket link with pictures. We were attacked by mosquitos and chiggers that weekend and its deer tick territory out there...we also have brown recluses in that area i've nver seen a bite like that. What do you think it was? Shes trying to avoid a hospital ill if she can....what do you think?

Whats my next move to convince sally im not a terrible person?

Apologize and then let them cool down. As time goes on, they might start talking to you. But you have to prove that you are a good person in every thing you do.

Rate my intro paragraph? (10 points)?

I'd mainly fix those spelling errors/incorrect word usage you have there ("butterfly affect" should be "butterfly effect", sates should be states). Another thing I'm curious about is what level of education you're in, since different grades tend to require different things.

What bug is this it is gross!?

I picked up my backpack and I saw like a mini army worm on my pants leg so I thought It was just a fuzz ball I picked it up and a bug that looked like a tiny (and more oval) yellow lady bug it took two really hard pinches (like how you make a tick freeze up) to squish it and kill it

A question for people who are against same-sex marriages?

just watch the divorce rate soar past straight one as one of the partners goes looking for a younger ,more nubile partner , already the stats show that domestic violence among living together homophiles is increasing , it seems that jealousy is the main cause

Sac State, Chico State or San Jose State for sociology?

I'm currently a student at Sacramento City College and looking to transfer to Chico Sate, Sac State or San Jose State as a sociology major. I was just curios if anyone had any information on which of these schools have the best program as well as which has the prettiest campus, etc. Anything is helpful!

My ex is talking to someone else?

It obiously seems that she wants you just for her and shes obssesed with you! She doesnt want to see you move on and yet she doesnt want to give you another chance! You shouldnt believe her in nothing that she says and move on! I mean you love her and all but she doesnt love you so it isnt worth it! leave her alone and ignore her and move on!!

How do I turn off auto sync in iTunes?

when you plug it in, click on the iphone and scroll to the bottom. it should say some that includs namually manage or something.

My dog is limping??????

Wrong section, try the psychic section. You don't have a PUGGLE. A PUGGLE is a baby platypus. No excuse to have ticks on your dog, as you should be applying a flea/tick medication prescribed by your vet. If your dog is not walking on it's leg, it needs to be seen by a vet, not diagnosed by total strangers online. I don't know how you expect help from people on this site?

How can i tell if broke a tick's head off in me?

i found a tick on me and i ended up getting it off with tweezers however i cannot tell if i pulled its head off or if i got him fully out. im not exactly sure what it is i am suppose to be looking for. i dont know what a tick head looks like. lol. the area in where he bit is a little red but i know its from pulling him out. and there is a small bump there but it doesnt look like a bug head or anything it looks more like a small bug bite. im just not sure if i need to go to the hospital or not. the doctor stated because the tick was still flat and small i shouldnt really worry. they stated the tick would have to be on there for 24 hours and it would look bloody and engorged. and just out of wondering if somebody has a tick head in them, how do they take it out?SOMEBODY LET ME KNOW LOL!!!!

Missing my celexa??? what is going on?

so i missed my celexa for 2 days & also i dont eat healthy. ive been having anxiety & veery lite headed & it almostfeels likemy brain is getting little ticks. is this commonfrom mising my celexa?

Does this girl have the right to ask like this?

Okay so there is these too girls, lets call them a and b. So me,a and b were all going to try out for our schools dance team.these girls have no dance experience and i have tonssss! girl a is a total beeotch and girl b just goes with the flow pretty much. So when we were at dance team practices, they both were pretty much just going through the dance without actually "dancing" it if you know what i mean. they lacked that omph! me being a dancer for quite some time, i could do the dance with ease and knew it well enough to put that extra flair on it and really make it look good. i thought i had it in the bag. so tryout day comes and i nail everything! the other girls really didnt say anything about how they did. so the next day at school we find out that those two girls made the team and i made an alternate position! all of the other girls who made it were like wtf? how did they make it and you didnt. i said they same thing because they really cant dance. so girl a is now treating me like i am some piece of crap just in her way and she is acting like some queen bee. when in reality, everyone knows that i should have gotten that position, even girl b is such a bad dancer it really makes me laugh when people think they are actually good! do these girls desrve to act like this? what should i do about it because its ticking me off knowing that i should have one of their spots! im not just saying they are bad because im mad, im honestly telling the truth and not stretching it one bit! our first practice is tommorow and i really dont wanna be just pushed around because i am only an alternate!!

HELP PLEASE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@$^…

Whenever I went to give exams I just loose my concentration . But without that I come first from school But I want to come first from whole sate. So give some tips. PLEASE....................

1969 ford f100 backfiring through the carburetor, any ideas?

It has what is believed to be a 390 small block with a 4 barrel holley carb. When in any gear if you give it to much gas it spits and sputters and backfires through the carb. It started shortly after putting a new exhaust on it, I don't believe that would cause it but i could be wrong. Any ideas are welcomed.

How can I get a refund....?

I reserved a ticket though Irctc, but didnt travel on that day due to some other program. I asked my frnd to cancel the ticket, but she unknowingly cancelled only one berth in that reserved ticked. Now can I get a refund on that ticket, if Yes how can proceed to get refund on the other berths?? Can anyone help me on this???

Is it rude for me to say to my Theology professor to keep his opinions to himself?

Your telling people your agnostic and you are studying at a Catholic university? Why are you taking a theology class?? Your classmates are athiests??? Nice try, troll.

Jeremy Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries is a vampire right!?

Jeremy is not a vampire. He drank Anna's blood when he found out that she was dead. This is When he OD-d on the the pills. This was the Season one Finale. Meanwhile downstairs Damon is kissing Katherine thinking it's Elena. Then Damon leaves and Katherine stabs John. Elena comes home to John on the floor bleeding out. Season two, episode one comes and they discover Jeremy. He was lucky. It didn't work. But later in the episode (at the end) Damon comes drunk, realizing that Elena knows his true feelings he is rejected comes back to the Gilburt house. He tries to kiss Elena but Jeremy stops him and Damon snaps his neck. but John Gilburt gave him the ring so he wakes up a couple hours later.

GUYS AND GIRLS! What does he see in me?

Just accept it and feel flattered? And do you have to go on about how pretty you are? You say you have no confidence and you're a zero yet you keep going on about how beautiful you are.

I found a small black shiny insect in my house...what is it?

I just found a small black shiny beetle like thing in my house. At first I was sure it was a tick, but then I looked up pictures and realized that ticks are not black and shiny. It was crawling on my carpet near a dog we are dog sitting. It was flat, and looked like a tick...but it was smooth, black and almost like a metalic shinyness to it. I tried to smash it with toilet paper and it wouldn't die/smash, so I flushed it. Wierd that it wouldn't just die. What could this thing be?

Will a motor still spark if stator is bad?

i have a polaris scrambler 400 2 stroke and it cut out for about 30 minutes i had to drive out of a mountain back home. anyway now it wont start at all. will sometimes backfire like a 12 gauge shotgun...but i have good spark and gas flow? bad stator?

Why is my dog always smell bad even if I give her a bath?

It's just the nature of dog fur. The dog's skin is always producing natural oils which bacteria live in. As for the flees and ticks- you can get treatments to put on the dog that kill and deter them.

Why does dog shake? Please help.?

Hi, we foun a dog today and it was covered in ticks and wrapped in barbed wire. We saved him, and got all the ticks off of him and bathed him. But he's got cuts on his legs from The barbed wire. I was wondering why the dog constantly shakes and why there is white stuff coming out of his private area. Plus were taking him to the vet Friday.

Car sputters at idle but dies when revving?

currently trying to get a 1990 ford thunderbird sc up and running. we just changed the oil, plugs and fuel filter. we had to go back and re gap the plugs as they were not far enough. after we did that it still spits and sputters not to mention lightly backfires under the hood. also when we rev the car it revs then dies. i don't know what else to do so im open to any thoughts. thanks in advance and just ask for more details if needed.

I have a 2003 chevy impala with driveabilityproblem?

it idles fine but when driving it bogs real bad if i try to force it it starts pinging. im thinking it jumped time but im confused. no check engine light and has good fuel pressure. doesnt backfire

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Are you Lefties sad that no one dug up any dirt, in Palin's Emails?

I guess you need to find something to worry about when the man you elected is going against every policy you are supposed to stand for.

USTA starting and info?

I am 15 years old, about to be 16 in a month. im about a 3.5 level player. Ive never played usta before and i really want to start, but i don't know how to. any info on how to get into usta tournaments and how much they cost. i don't have an unlimited amount of money but im not poor. i can afford a lot but not to drive up to the opposite side of the sate and stay in hotels for x amount of days for a couple tournaments a month. that wont work. can I just do tournaments in my area? plus, once you've signed up, how do you arrange the tournaments? these and any additional information will help! please and thank you!

Is relationship too far deep to save?

if he acted like that after the history of your time together, he isn't worthy of having you. If he accused you of stuff now, he will do it again. DTMFA (dump the mother f*cking a$$hole) and run.

What should I do? I'm confused on a huge decission? fam vs Education!! HELP!!!?

You want to go to college so the last thing you want to do is not graduate high school. If you pay for internet for a while, but are not able to continue paying it. You could take a chance of failing classes, therefore not get the credits you need to graduate. In my opinion, you should finish high school here in the U.S. to insure that you are able to graduate next year. Maybe take a year break in between high school and college. Stay with your family then. Best of luck and keep your head up. Also, talk to your parents about it, they can be a big help in your decision. They deserve more credit then we give them.

"I want to be with you" Explanation needed!?

so... i've been friends, really close friends with this guy. sadly & unfortunately we live in different states... but that doesn't stop/ drop our communication level. i'm an 18 yr. old sophomore in college & he's a 24 yr. old manager. as i said we are good friends, and once in a while mess around, not sexually... just flirtatiously. however... for the most part, i think he's a great guy & i absolutely adore him... today he told me over the phone "he wants to be with me"... our conversation was very random, noting specifically... & to be honest... i can't recalled my response, now sitting down, i've realized he mentioned it. btw. he's single. & please guys... this question is not about our AGE nor the fact that WE LIVE IN DIFFERENT SATES. it simply a definition of what he said. "I WANT TO BE WITH YOU"

5 month old waking 1-2hrs every night for about 6 weeks now..whats going on?

We rock her to sleep every night and I think this is starting to backfire as every time she wakes up she needs to be put back to sleep-its just sending me a little insane lol..any advice on how to get her to self sleep? thankyou=)

What is the natural predator of the tick?

Other arthropods, certain types of wasps, domestic fowl (chickens), wild birds, guinea fowl, some spiders, a variety of fungi and nematodes.

I'm really mad at my Christian mother, what should I do?

That's terrible. Your parents will disown and alienate you. Christians aren't the most tolerant, but neither is any one who is shackled by one religion. Change scares us. We all as humans love to judge, but hate judgements passed on us, that's how ignorant and primative we Are. That's how primitive THEY are. I was like that, but I understood that u have to try to understand someone else before they tryto understand you. that's the nature of evolution, THAT'S the natural of life. Not false righteous judgements and inaccurate conclusions. I be your mom's racist too? If she's white then most likely. Oops see!! I just illustrated prejudice at it's finest. Good luck.

Taxes on $40,000 Salary Help?

So i am doing this thing ion class and part of it is finding what money you have left over after all tax, like salary,heath and care, the sate would be florida and in either vierra or orlando. so could could you give me a rough number on how much. thanks also i searched and couldnt find anything

In touch with his ex..?

You seem very confident in your partner and that's a good thing. He has obviously gained your trust during the four months you've been together, and I can definitely understand what something like this would do to you. It's just that him hiding something like this from you is a very big deal. Him giving her money on each occasion is even more peculiar, whether or not it's her birthday or her sons. I would feel very uneasy about this. That's time he could have spent with you or money he could have used to take you out. Just because he met up with her doesn't mean they did anything sexual, but I wouldn't completely rule that out if I were you. I could kind of understand if they just wanted to keep their friendship, but when he's doing this behind your back it just seems to me like he has something to hide. And, he said he didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry. Well, obviously something is going on that you should worry about. It's your choice if you want to see where this relationship goes, but the longer you're together with this person the stronger your feelings will grow and the harder it will be to leave if something like this happens again. If you truly believe he is being faithful and you care about him and he treats you good then I would stay with him. Just follow your intuition because that's what I have done and I've always been right whenever I listen to my heart.

What should I do? I'm confused on a huge decission? fam vs Education!! HELP!!!?

You want to go to college so the last thing you want to do is not graduate high school. If you pay for internet for a while, but are not able to continue paying it. You could take a chance of failing classes, therefore not get the credits you need to graduate. In my opinion, you should finish high school here in the U.S. to insure that you are able to graduate next year. Maybe take a year break in between high school and college. Stay with your family then. Best of luck and keep your head up. Also, talk to your parents about it, they can be a big help in your decision. They deserve more credit then we give them.


You've just got to find the right guy, my friend. Some are like that, but there are also some who aren't.

How to have A SECRET SEX LIFE?

Ok so my daughter is 14 and we sleep in the same bed. The problem is that i am secretly sating this man in which i am very much in love with. I do not want to tell her because i think she doesn't like him. Since he is sooooooo Good Loooking with his two toned skin i really really want to have sex with him. But since my daughter sleeps in the same bed as me, i dont know how that will work. He is just too scrumptious to resist! HELP! surprisingly, this latina Mama needs your HELP! how do i go about doing the "do" without her noticing?

I'm so confused, and don't know what to do, please help!?

well, there's this guy, well my best friend, and im so confused. he is so lovely to me, and we're very close. when he looks at me its seems to last forever and it's magic. he's always there for me and his hugs are magic because they fix everything. ive known him all my life, and we've always been close, but never went out. and he only lives round the corner. he told me once how convenient it would be if we went out, cos we live so close, and i know his parents, and he knows mine. i love him to pieces, and when i finally told him, he said that he thought it was really cute, and there was no akwardness. he still hugs me, and bullys me just cos he know how to make me laugh, and we just get on so well. i dont know what i would do without him, and all our friends think we are cute together. but now his ex-girlfriend is back in the picture. whenever we talked about her, he has never said anything nice about her, and i honestly thought he hated her, because he tells me everything. after school before half term, he caught me just before i got on the bus, and he gave me a hug, and whispered in my ear to call him more, and that he really wanted to meet up, and then he told me not to miss him too much. im 15, but i love him. but then, 2 days after going back after half term, he asked him ex out, and they're an item. im so confused, and he wont talk to me about it. he isnt being akward, hes being real nice, but i dont get it. i was just starting to think i might have a chance, and i dont know what to do! i thought he hated her, whats going on in his head? His ex, well, now girlfriend is aweful, and im not just sating that because they have been about before. and she is really manippulative and controlling. she hates me, and she knows how close i am to him. i always said that if he went out with anybody, that i would back off, because all i want is for him to be happy, but im really scared that she will try and stop us being friends or something. i dont want to loose him because he means so much, and i really dont know what to do, please help! :(

Is this a tick on my dog?

I can't tell if this is a tick on my dog or not. It's been there for awhile- I just thought it was a blood blister. If she licks it or bites it, it pops and bleeds a whole lot. It's on her stomach. But I can't tell if it's a tick or just a mole-like sac filled with blood. Do ticks bleed when touched?

Comeback for being called a lesbian?

Anyone who says you're a lesbian, ask them, "What proof do you have? So if I said she was a lesbian too you'd believe me?" Like, seriously, people who believe her are idiots, she has no proof. Just ignore her and get on because you have one thing she doesn't have: YOU HAVE A LIFE

Can I still get into Cal State !!!!! PLEASE REPLY?

Any grade below C is not considered passing for the purposes of fulfilling admissions requirements to any CSU. CSU's are currently under a directive to not accept any freshmen or transfer students that are missing any requirements. College prep algebra and geometry are mandatory requirements. You will also need a GPA + SAT index above the minimum. At this point, it looks like you'll be required to attend a community college for at least 2 years to do the requirement for an upper-division transfer. That's not the worst thing that can happen, as it will save you about $10,000 to do the first 2 years at community college in any case. If you maintain a high GPA in community college, you will have priority for admissions to any CSU or UC campus. That would open up the possiblity of attending UC Santa Cruz, which is another good campus in the area.

Foursquare not posting to facebook from my blackberry?

I have the blackberry curve which doesn't allow you to check-in to places on facebook. Instead, I decided to try posting it from foursquare. I filled out my details to connect my FS account to my FB account, and I ticked the box that said 'post this to facebook' but it's not working

How could lying on my CV backfire on me?

They could ask you a bunch of questions about your previous work experience in the interview, and then what would you say? You shouldn't lie about that but you could still write it in on your application, just go down and maybe help your cousin one day so you can technically feel you didn't lie, and if they ask just give a brief description of what you did or saw her do that day and pretend like it was you. Like research. I live in California and getting a job here is hard. They want everyone to be bilingual and have tons of experience! So you have to find ways around it by knowing people who work places or just getting by on your Spanish skills, and whatever they ask for. I've known people who completely lied about being able to speak Spanish on jobs that ask for bilingual people though, lol. I hate interviews but I have a job now. :) Good luck!

I have no idea what to do, someone please help me.?

Hey im luis, My mother passed away September 30th 2010 from bone cancer, i have three sister no brothers, one of my sister died at like 9 months pregnant, my other sister is handi-cap and my other sister is 24. My dad isnt exactly the nicest person..he drinks alot and expects me to do everything with my handicap sister change diaper and feed her (spoon feed her)..she is 15..while i'm 14...While my mother was crying herself to sleep because of the pain of bone cancer my dad was out drinkin and when he comes home i ask him to get diapers for my mother and he says he has no money for diapers but yet he buys more beer..that's what really ticked me off...i asked for his credit card to buy an online game..i kept the info on his card saved it in notepad and everytime he would get me very mad for not caring about my mother not able to walk or even talk due to the pain of the cancer...i spent money on his credit i used his credit card all of November-April...and it racks up the total of $2500 on pure games..that i dont even play..i just had it there so that the money that he didn't spend on my mother, i spent on games. i'm so depressed about my mother..and now just realising that i owe my dad $2500...and now he physically abuses me when he drinks..and gets drunk..i take care of my handicap sister all by myself...he found a new wife...that smokes and 24 year old sister can't afford a big house so child support can take us...i need some serious help...i havn't attempted suicide...but i fear that it may come soon...i miss my mom..

Should my dad still be driving?

I am so worried about my Dad still driving aged 89. He is of sound mind, but has dreadful arthritis is his legs and not a lot of strength in his arms, so I don't think he would cope in any sort of emergency stop. He is an anxious driver anyway, and doesn't seem to have any awareness of what's going on around him on the road. He is encouraged to drive by my also 89 yr old step mother to keep their independence. There are a lot of family members who can take them shopping etc, so there is no problem there. My dilemma is how to stop him driving, we have all asked him to stop - but he won't. I think there is big problem with the system for elderly drivers, they just have to tick a few boxes on a form - and then they keep driving. I really think there should be a stricter control on this. Any one else had this situation - any help would be great

Missing logos and pictures?

My son has tampered with my PC and told me that he ticked or unticked something somewhere when he was trying to get something to come up on screen. Apparantly it was something that the Channel 5 TV said he needed to do in order to watch a repeat program, something to do with ad-blocking software but I don't know what he clicked on and it didn't work anyway. Now as I was about to print an e-ticket I notice that I'm getting the little squares with a red cross where obviously a picture or logo should be. How do I get it back to normal? Where do I find what to tick and/or de-tick?

My lpg converted car has started blowing back, what can be the cause?

had the car, 3.2 v6 4x4, 7 months and has run perfect but after a 300 mile round trip it backfired and nearly blew the air filter box apart. now if i accelerate too quickly it backfires with a large bang

Do ultimatums backfire? like for instance marriage?

More often than not, they don't work out well...few people like to feel forced into doing something or making a decision they don't feel ready to make...

Where is my life going? (my gyspy life)?

Hello my name is Matthew im 14. i am from hawaii,but was born in san fransisco California i've been living in hawaii for 3 years. i wish to go to the mainland but can't because my dad did a crime, he is a body man and has no job, he works but its kinda like self employment except without all that taxes bullshi't. i am a gypsy, i travel a whole lot from place to place, i've lived in maybe 5 different sates, throughout 14 years of my life. people don't really know the way the gypsy culture they will likely miss under stand it, a gypsy is a person who travels alot! and dose not have a job and dose not have good credit score and dose not get "legally married" and a bunch of other stuff including paying there taxes. gypsy people don't believe in a good education because i mean seriously 8 years in school + collage? all gypsies don't believe in that some do some don't, me on the other hand im one of the lucky ones, i can read and write and spell hate math. i have missed up to 7 years of school because of my family due to traveling and my culture. the only thing a gypsy family really wants is a 3.fancy cars life to its fullest 5.have a very Very large gypsy culture collage is getting married the way i think of it, a average gypsy boy is considered a man at 14-16 i am 14 i am suppose to get married in 2-3 more years i don't, most boys do. i have a very poor family,very big but poor.constantly asking family members for money and begging. i hate begging! so embarrassing. what im trying to tell you is that i don't really know if i wanna continue to live this life. if i continue to become a gypsy my job will be to buy and sell cars, its not that bad actually i would buy a car for low money and sell it for high i would make maybe 3-5K depending on the cars.but that's not what i want nore getting married at 16 nore moving from place to place nore destroying my credit nore living a criminal life. if i chose to become a "american" my mother and father will disown me, i don't want that, the gypsy culture insists on becoming strictly gypsy, all my family will disown me, but im sure they will love me. i've told them many times if i get a job i would make more money then both of them but no...i wish i could change my life it sucks! all i do is play games all day long no school nothing not even a social life.if i do get a job i have one in mind...i would like to be a infectious disease researcher and work with the CDC in atlanta i would make around $178,000 Annual. and i would "own my home' and my car a, new one plus i'd have money in the bank,but then there's collage see that's were my problems start, i have missed all my years of school and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into a good collage since, i want to major in biology and medical no one would except me!, it would take me maybe 17 years to get my job go to collage and save up all the money to do that. i don't wanna waste 17 years of my life for that. and if i do get a job the most id ever make is maybe $35,000 Annual,i really don't no what to do? i mean some of my family members are rich from buying and selling car's and psychic readings. i don't know and even if your saying to your self were are the police,well if your saying where is child protective services they wouldn't find me because i move like crazy Plus gypsy are excellent liars,i mean i have a home i have food i have all of that i don't want the police to take me away from my family i have 3 brothers and 1 sister they don't go to school, i don't know what to do you tell me?

Is it worth staying friends?

Me and my friend, Ivy (that's not her name but let's just say it is, she likes the name..) are barely friends anymore, I mean I love her. I wouldn't betray her ever, but we were friends in fourth grade (2009-2010)but I 5th grade we were best friends at tue beginning of the year but after Christmas break we got in a big fight, like all of the other fights, it was stupid. And after that we barely had any fights (because the first semester we fought like once every other week we would fight but after that big fight, we fought rarely, but we also weren't too close. And since that fight she hasn't invited me out anywhere or invited me to her house, but I invited her places sometimes. But, then after all those months, I finally decided to confront her about how I was sad about that and because we had a field trip and we sat together on the bus, and we were playing hangman and she decided to pretty much ditch me and play truth or dare with this annoying self-absorbed jerk and our guy-friend (who also is pretty much a player but he is funny..) and these preppy girls who me and ivy and all my friends hate, and flirted with them and left me for that, she asked me if I wanted to play and I said no because you know I hate all those people, and so I got ticked off and changed seats and sat with one of my best friends, who we can call Anna. I know at parts I may seem like the jerk here, but it sounds diffrent... Thanks. So tell me what you think and if you ask a question in a post come back to this in like 5 minutes and I'll add additional details.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Harry Potter question?

All of th horcrux weren't gone yet. There is still a horcrux alive which is Voldemorts(I'm not afraid to say the name now!) snake. Voldemort did get hurt but not enough to kill him.

Are some Republicans backed by the Koch bros flat out lying about Social Security?

Behind every legislation bill; are lobbyist, PR Firm, Law Firms and private industries who gain the windfall profits; by such action.

Where are the best locations to purchase farmland?

I'm interested in buying farmland as an investment to sate the growing future food demands. The problem is, I wouldn't know if I were purchasing a completely infertile pile of dirt. I have roughly 6 thousand dollars to start with

My ex boyfriend is acting weird. I don't know if he still loves me or what!? HELP!?

fristly u tell him tht wht u feel 4 him and ask him wht he feel 4 u and alk in limit wit the then tell him tht u feel jealous of girls which his friend in fb and tell him tht wht u wnt wit him and ask him to talk wit girls in a limit if he really love u he will do tht a nd by saying baby love cnt be seen ok by compring 4 each other by respecting 4 each other and being loyal to each othero in any condtin and supports u in any condti weathr u r rigth or wrong dsnt mattr 4 who love u or say tht he loves u because loving somone means love him/her any condtin weathr the worlds agnist him/her we shuld stnd in the favor of tht guy or girl whom we love because by saying love cannot define it easy to say hard maintin ok so ask ur bf to do ths to because r hurtd by ths if he chnge by ur saying thn ok othrwise u also do whtever he is doning to u mke him jealous by talking to othr guy and if he really love u thn he wil hve prlm wit tht as u r hving nw ok so ask othrwise do tht or move on thre r alots of guy who will mke u more thn him ok dnt be sad jst go on all the bst take care anyone else???????

i honestly don't understand why people get so crazy about ANY celebrity wedding, its not like they're invited anyways.

Does he like me? best answer, 10 pts!?

So for the past few days ive seen my ex at school. When he walks past me, he looks down but out of the corner of his eyes he stares at me. Also when we were both in the library. He'd stare right at me from across the room. when i talked to my friends in front of me of where i was sitting, he'd be staring right at me.For most of the hour. Also he'd turn his head towards the bookcase i was behind when i spoke, according to my friend. Even when he was talking to someone else he'd look at them then at me. He'd dart his head back and forth from his work to me. It seemed as if he was trying to make seem less obvious but it backfired. When I was talking to a guy in my group, I saw out of the corner of my eye that he had this look of disapproval and he was shaking his head. We went out for a very long time. we have a lot in common. Although you can say we come from different cliques. He broke up with me. Apparently it was because of personal reasons at first but then i wasn't his type anymore. which doesn't really make sense. Then why is he staring at me? He has said he wants to be close again and talk more often and he asked to if he could hug me the next time he saw me. He said that it's not that fun, it's definitely not how we used to be and that he'd enjoy working on it, quite a lot. He also complimented my new hair color, he was being really flirty. He said he'd love to talk to me. He's really protective of me, when stuff happens between my friends and I, he's always there for me. He's even called them out a few times.. :/ When we did see each other he did hug me and it felt exactly like he would hug me when we were dating. When we walk past each other he always has this big smile on his face and his eyes get all squinty. He said it was nice to see me even if it was pouring. Then on the weekend he said he was sick and that he really need a hug.. is he confused? Does he miss me or still have feelings for me? I do have a lot feelings for him still and I miss him. Should we get closer again?We've been broken up for 6 months. Also, should I ask him to hang out or something?

What makes straight-men tick?

Due to the peculiar asymmetry of the large straight male brain, they tend to think they've thought of everything when they haven't. So they think they know all about gays--and they're sure that you couldn't be gay because (1) you're not effeminate, and (2) you haven't come on to them. So your first job, simple as it sounds, is to convince the straight boy you're interested in that you're gay--without in any way threatening or coming on to him. This will inevitably, eventually cause our subject to ask "What's wrong with me?" But you must be prepared to wait, sometimes for days, for the information first to register, then to percolate through his straight-guy thought processes, before it dawns on him that you haven't come on to him. Throughout this period you can be subtly reassuring him that you think he's a fine person, that you're honored to be his friend, that any girl who'd refuse to date him must be insane, that you have his back, and know that he has yours. Sooner or later he's going to want to know why you haven't come on to him. That's when, eye to eye, and toe to toe, you say, with a stifled sob of utter sincerity, "Joe, I respect you too much." Then you kiss him.

I am an expat working in an English company and the girls are being EVIL with me?

you can handle this two different ways. If you are comfortable doing so, I may confront those who are not treating you with proper respect and ask them what the problem is. If that does not work, you should go speak to your supervisor AND the head of your human resources department and let them know what is happening and how it is affecting you. I wish you the best of luck!

What does my dream mean?

You are having some small problems.You are thinking it as too big and explode.Perhaps the small bomb ,small problem and big one big problem.It is made clear to you that they are not serious problems ,they will disappear or you will solve them easily.Think and act.

During the 1930's, which of the following is true?

Lots of money was spent on programs, so I will say E. The problem didn't end until way after WW II, then, soldiers returned, regained jobs, and bought houses. How I know is that we were poor, food was rationed. Housing was non existent, and one had to pay cash to the owner to get a rental. True, some people got jobs painting murals in schools, but the money must have been printed. If you wish to find out, read some economic history book for corroboration

I made a fake profile to make myself sound cooler if some1 else said **** about me and people found out!!!!?

everyone found me out but im still denying its fake because i dont want everyone thinking im a liar and i just want to start over. i made it to make me look like a cooler person but it backfired and everyone in highschool thinks im a liar. i know it was totally wrong and i will never do it agian i feel so unworthy but is there anyway i can drop it and start over in any way? whats the safest method without telling everyone the truth. im a freshman and i dont want everyone for the rest of highschool calling me a liar and i cant say she moved.. any websites that you can text from the computer and show REAL numbers? or anything? plz plz plz help :c i dont wanna delete the fake facebook i just want a way for people to think its absolutley real so thn i can delete it afterwards i mean people kno its me nd i wana "prove them wrong"

There is a tick on my dog's head please help!?

Growing up in the country, for me, was hell. Myself and the dogs got ticks all over them. My parents would give my dog a flea and tick bath but as for me I had to get the ticks out myself. Depending on the tick, it can be dangerous. It you have the time and patience, the safest way to remove the tick is to take a pair of tweezers, grab the tick carefully to not kill it, apply some pressure as if you were to remove it and hold in that possition. If it's a tick that could be harmful, leaving the head in there could cause disease. Doing the way I've told you, the tick will remove itself because of being uncomfortable. Do not worry. You shouldn't have to cvall a vet and if you do not feel comfortable doing this yourself, you can wait until your parents get home. Dogs get ticks all the time. He'll be fine. :)

World ending 21st may 2011?

Lol!!!! Honestly I'm not the biggest believer in God, no offense. So I definatly don't believe the worlds gonna end for whatever he said in the Bible. However, there are a few scientific facts that prove the world could end, any time actually. What's your opinion on it? I'm not sated for it at all coz we all die one day anyways, I just wanna try prove people wrong and to stop getting so antsy pantsy about it all. That's pretty annoying.

Why don't you believe in so called conspiracies?

Any real intellect knows the proof when it was staring at them right in the face. Even the well crafted well thought manipulated events of 9/11 will only be viewed by way of Corporate Owned News TV. Unfortunately the Public as a whole will actually believe what the mass media feeds them. Thank Goodness We the People have Uncensored Un-propagandized Free Internet. A Perfect Example: Egyptian Mass Media Propaganda trying to tell their People that there is No Revolution to over throw the Govt, when Mubarak's Regime was already being toppled. Such proof of media control of Govt Propaganda should be a sign that it could even happen here in the U.S. like what happened to 9/11. Lastly the Free Fall of both towers & Building #7 with the rate of the falling speed equal to the fall of gravity with out ANY of the steel frame structures standing, anyone who studies Controlled Demolition & Architectural Engineering knows it is impossible for it to neatly collapse to ground level with NO OBSTRUCTION in the way of the fall with out Controlled Demolition blowing it out of the way. It is sad to say that when the People finally Wake Up to the Truth, it might be too late

Is he even worth it!?!?

oh dear robyn, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, it was one time don't get angry just at that, no guy likes to talk to the girl he likes in-front of his friends if they aren't dating it raises questions and makes things awkward, besides high school? and this kind of question im assuming you 14 or under, don't worry about guys yet, life has much in store for you later on

I have a 97 chev s10 pickup. It is a 4 cylinder. I have a problem. Most of the?

time when I first start it up it runs extremely rough; the whole truck shakes and engine misses and backfires if I gas it. Eventually it is ok, but recently it has even gotten worse and doesn't straighten out. It's like a plug wire is off the way it acts. It has new plugs and wires. Would you have any idea what it might be? Maybe some things I could explore? Thanks a bunch.

Need help troubleshooting misfire?

I have a 93 chevy pick up v8 5.7 liter and idles alright in park and neutral but when you put it in gear the idle drops and it stumbles a bit untill it finally stalls all vacuume leaks did a propane enrichment test all over the engine,brand new plugs,cap,wires,and rotor,benchtested the coil and readings come out spec on sec.,and primary,brand new fuel pump and filter,and injectors/the engine is carbeurated but fed by injectors.Also its really hard to time it just perfectly with the light cause the mark keeps jumping all over,im guessing from the misfire.when i first made my marks and used the light it was way off but i think it was because the idle was high so i lined it up as close as i could wich was alot ccloser then where it was and now it backfires when i rev it up even in park.if this was a newer vehicle I would lean towards the cam or crank sensor but being that this cap and rotor im pretty sure that has nothing to do with it or if this motor evn has those sensors.Is there anyone out there familiar with this engine and can tell me if I forgot something down the line or something i missed.and also i have a dtc43. thank you.

Is my kitten dying?!?

My cat has been sitting in the same spot for a few hours each day. She's usually very frisky and loves to sun bathe, but now she stays out of the sun and in her little hidey-hole. Her fur has gotten thinner over only the past 4 days! She's also been coughing and sneezing. She tries to throw up here and there, but she only succeeds sometimes. Whenever you pet her she coughs and twitches. She's very sensitive to touch now, and she can barely open her eyes all the way. I tried to get my mom to take her to the vet but she said to wait a week more or so. This has been going on for the past week, perhaps? I'm really worried and she's only 1 and a half years old. She was perfectly healthy before this. We DID put frontline on her (Stuff for ticks and fleas) and she had some sort of allergic reaction.. but this was nearly 3 weeks ago. All she did was run around the house non-stop for a few days and could never get comfortable and never could rest and sit down. Is my cat okay? Should I try to force my mom to take her to the vet again?! I'm really worried for her and I thought I was sitting with her on her last night 2 days ago.. I can't let her die at 1 and a half years old, so I don't know what I should do. I'm so afraid for her. What should I do?

Giving boyfriend space? Good or bad?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while. We have talked about marriage, children, and a future together. He tells me all the time how much he loves me, how much I mean to him, how he never wants to be with anyone else ever again, how he has never loved anyone like he loves me, and how he can't wait for make me his wife. He has his grandmother's engagement ring already for me. We fight but our arguments are usually over small, silly subjects like one of us taking a joke personal. Just recently we had an argument over something silly and it turned into something much bigger. After this fight he told me that he is upset, angry, hurt, and confused and doesn't know what to do about it. He also says he doesn't know what he wants. He still tells me he loves me and that he misses me. I'm at home for the summer and he is supposed to be here to visit me in a week. I told him I was just going to give him some space to think things through. He has been through a lot this year, he was in one of those awful tornadoes and his grandmother died. His last relationship also ended because his girlfriend cheated on him. Will giving him this space benefit our relationship or is it going to backfire on me? And why is he acting like this all of a sudden?

Why did my credit card approved me for a second card w/more limit after I declined a credit increase.?

They increased your limit because you're their most desirable customer if all you think about is the minimum monthly payment and not how much the credit is really going to cost you. Paying the minimum it's probably going to take years to pay off the card because almost everything you pay is profit for them.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ideas on how to save my marriage from divorce. Real answers please!?

Time to cut momma's apron strings. As long as she is "calling the shots", you are stuck. About 46% of marriages in the US end up in divorce. If HE filed for divorce, what are the "grounds" ? So, just tell him. "It's me, or your mother" ! I went through a similar divorce; My wife went "hay-wire", so I packed up everything in Chicago, (including the 14 year old girl we had adopted), and came to Texas. My daughter is now 41 years old, and doing well ! Good luck !

Can CPS take my child from me for having panic attacks?

I've been seeing a doctor for 3 months now and she recomended counseling so I called a place called family outreach and their main goal is to stop abuse in families but the also have counseling for what I'm going through. They have one on one /couples/ fam counceling etc. I also read on their web site that they try to keep families from having a CPS case. I'm just scared that they will see as unfit mom when I'm still capable of being a good one. I just want to get back to normal. I really hope me trying to get help doesn't backfire on my family

Would this be a good Idea? I want to settle this between us.?

that would be ok.but i think the best way to start a conversation would just "hey" that way it sounds the conversation goes on you could say "i have a question for" or something like know sounding very casual.

MY dog is about to be five please help with veteranary advise?

my dog is about to be 5 years old. Usually very spunky, spontanious, and energetic. Lately (in the past two weeks) he seems like his joints are hurting him when he gets up (stands up, gets off the couch, goes up or down stairs or jumps on or off a bed). His whole body looks stiff, but if we take him outside he runs around like nothing is wrong. We found a tick on him about a month ago, but it was already out when we found it. It looked infected for a week, but healed up and we can see no signs of it. We also have been under alot of stress in the house.....someone help me..... is it lime diesease or stress or what is wrong with him?????

How to become a doctor with a 1320 on the SATe to ask?

Let me get this straight, you have a 4.7 GPA and are ranked 99th??? Most valedictorians don't break 4.5!!! You don't need a certain SAT score to become a doctor but you def need to retake your SAT a 1320 is not good.

My Boy Friend lives in Canada and wants to move to the states.?

he will most likely have to get a job in Canada first, and work for 1 or 2 years, before he will approved for any immigration visa. He has to show that he has EXPERIENCE first.

Can I join the United Sates Army if I have a green card?

Even a conditional green card( 2 years) are allowed to join.I already talk to a recruiter(Navy) and already took my ASVAB.The only problem that you might encounter is if your spouse doesn't want to give some important documents that you need like your spouse birth certificate,marriage contract and social security card.That is my problem my wife won't give those things to me.I am not sure if they will allow you to enlist without dependent even though you are married.Good luck.

Should I warn an old friend about dating my dangerous/abusive ex boyfriend?

I'm sure if it were you in her place you'd certainly appreciate being pre warned about your experiences with him. I am too familiar with abusive relationships as I've been in a couple of them myself. Both had ALL the abuses which led to having to get Restraining Orders as I was afraid of getting permanently hurt. Abusive people do get worse as time goes by. They have a deep seated anger inside them that keeps getting worse. Only a professional can work on finding out what causes the anger, then it has to be worked on from that point on. It could take yrs. if at all for an abuser to even change. I definitely would tell her of your experiences & just advise her you've told her because you care about her. He is NOT going to change, so he still IS the SAME person you were involved in. Yes, do her a favor, it's up to her if she heeds your advice...the best to you...:)

Computer problems and sevice fail?

Ok I orderd a computer off of cyberpowerpc and 1 thing I orderd was 2x4gb of ram (2 $ticks)and they gave me 4 ? Wat should I do and the default water cooling idk wat its called but it got good reviews but for me after about 2 hours of just download some games its got realy realy hot is that suposed to happen ?? Is this thing defectied ?

Does my battery need to be replace or something else?

If the battery is old replace it, get it started and take the vehicle to autozone or someplace and get a charging system check to make sure the alternator isn't bad.

Domestic Assault(Erwin,TN)?

Hello my name is Nathaniel Effler I'm writing in regards to a legal situation which I've found myself in.I was arrested and charged with Domestic Assault.I never hit her,there were no marks,bruises or black eyes.She told the officer that the situation was fine. She also informed the officer that she was NOT going to press charges.So instead the officer did.For some reason the D.A wants the pick up the case.There is no evidence what so ever.And the victim is my fiance.I'm also a convicted felon.This is what creates the problem.But i know the sate could not win in trial.PLEASE HELP

What do you think of these lyrics?

not too bad but I will tell you this, I would recomand posting it on the lyrics section, you'll get better answers just cause a lot people there write songs too and won't give you rude comments and also give some writing advice

Guys Guys I desperate??? it desperate!!!! for christ sake!?

I dont think. Why would that be desperate? Its just you want to know if you have any future or not. If he hasnt replies its his loss and not yours.

How to explain to my grandma she's not a trainer.?

is it grandmas horse? Cause if it is you can forget about having anything to say. Does grandma pay? Cause those who hold the financial burden hold the power, regardless of how much they know. If grandma isn't financially responsible for anything, why is she always there? Go when she doesn't go, or don't tell her your going. Or you could just tell her you want to take lessons, maybe she could go an watch the trainer teaching you and she could learn some things.

Does my ex still have feelings for me?

So for the past few days ive seen my ex at school. When he walks past me, he looks down but out of the corner of his eyes he stares at me. Also when we were both in the library. He'd stare right at me from across the room. when i talked to my friends in front of me of where i was sitting, he'd be staring right at me.For most of the hour. Also he'd turn his head towards the bookcase i was behind when i spoke, according to my friend. Even when he was talking to someone else he'd look at them then at me. He'd dart his head back and forth from his work to me. It seemed as if he was trying to make seem less obvious but it backfired. When I was talking to a guy in my group, I saw out of the corner of my eye that he had this look of disapproval and he was shaking his head. We went out for a very long time. we have a lot in common. Although you can say we come from different cliques. He broke up with me. Apparently it was because of personal reasons at first but then i wasn't his type anymore. which doesn't really make sense. Then why is he staring at me? He has said he wants to be close again and talk more often and he asked to if he could hug me the next time he saw me. He said that it's not that fun, it's definitely not how we used to be and that he'd enjoy working on it, quite a lot. He also complimented my new hair color, he was being really flirty. He said he'd love to talk to me. He's really protective of me, when stuff happens between my friends and I, he's always there for me. He's even called them out a few times.. :/ When we did see each other he did hug me and it felt exactly like he would hug me when we were dating. When we walk past each other he always has this big smile on his face and his eyes get all squinty. He said it was nice to see me even if it was pouring. Then on the weekend he said he was sick and that he really need a hug.. is he confused? Does he miss me or still have feelings for me? I do have a lot feelings for him still and I miss him. Should we get closer again?We've been broken up for 6 months. Also, should I ask him to hang out or something?

How to tell if you catalalic converter is broke?

My 93 jeeP starts and runs but has no power to accel won't go over 15 mph and when u punch it it bogs down and. Backfires

Are you a leagal adalt at the age of 17 in the sate of wyoming if you have a child?

I am a 17 year old girl n i have a son. i am living with my parent and i an a singal mom. i want to move out into my own place but i keep gettin told no bc im not of age. i was told by some other ppl that if you have a child you are consited as an adlt. is this true? pleas some one help me!

Is it possible to transfer from an art college to a UC or Cal State?

I wanted to go to CCA, but I'm finding it to be too expensive and not sure it's worth it. I'm thinking it's too late to go to any other schools I was accepted by and I'm not too happy about going to a community college. So, would it be possible to transfer after going to CCA for 2 years to a UC or California Sate School?

Amrita university engineering college bangalore?

Is there any chance getting a seat for non-sate candidate for rank around 17100 for year 2011? If not what is the donation for management seat?

1990 Chevy C1500 runs bad when warmed up?

Seth: Would it be worth it to get an independent diagnosis with technicians trained to work on your make year model GM vehicle? Do you think your better than the company that designed the vehicle and has the test equipment and technicians to work on it? I say spend $100 to have the vehicle diagnosed by your GM dealer. They will hook up their GM OBD-II scanner and give you their opinion as to how it's running. It could be worth the $100 to have a fresh set of eyes and ears looking at the truck.

We found a tick on our dog ablut a week ago and then this week we found 2 more on our clothes, help!?

we found a tick on our dog ablot a week ago and then this week we found 2 more on our clothes, what can we do to get rid of them.

How do you know if your girlfriend really likes and loves you?

I'm just wondering because my girlfriend I know she really does love me but sometimes she does lil things to make me mad then she blames me for two days ago I was having a bad night and she said when I'm frustrated she gets upset...and she is a good girlfriend we love each other and everything and enjoy being with each other but sometimes she does lil things like text some of her guys friends who just want sex and I don't understand she knows what I get mad about and what ticks me off but sometimes I'm like I don't wanna hear about your exs boyfriends or you and your best guy friend went to McDonalds and hung out for a little..I mean I'm your boyfriend and don't like hearing about other guys but other then that she's a awesome girlfriend..we been dating for 2 months...I really do love her...but how do you know if your girlfriend really does like or love you? Signs? sayings? Thanks

Out-of-state non-custodial parent visiting with 3-year-old?

Have anyone had a court order a child under 4 y.o. to have taken out of state to visit the non-custodial parent? My lawyer told me that there is no chance that the court would order her to go see dad out od sate until she is 4. But I talked to a CFI and he he said he never heard of the 4 y.o. rule and he think the courts could order her to go out of state to visit dad. If you have similar experience in El Paso county courts, please share!

19 and maybe pregnant. I'm not scared of having a baby now but scared of what both parents will say or do.?

I am 19 and I think I may be pregnant. To tell you more about me... I just moved in with my boyfriend and his family to go to college. (we lived in different sates his house close to the college) My parents aren't very strict about our relationship. Not too many rules. Just keep the door open. But they are very strong Christians and sex before marriage is not good. They trust me and treat me like an adult and very proud of what i have done with my life so far. Making good choices. But they do not know my boy and I are sexually active, but they do know we do other things. when they found out that they just talked to me calmly. now my boys parents are STRICT! we have a 9 O'Clock bed time and have to have one of his siblings with us at all times. No dates, no alone times. but we found some ways to be alone and together to be boyfriend and girlfriend. His parents are all about going to school and getting a high paying job and living a perfect goodie goodie life. Now with all that said, to my point, I am not scared to be pregnant, but our parents scare me. I do not know how i would tell them and if i will. I fear that my parents will not talk to me any more because they had trust in me and i betrayed them. And I have no clue how his parents will act. If they get MAD when we in the same room alone, I just can't see how they will be if they knew we were having a baby. I feel like my boy and i would be alone and not wanted.

How do i get him to want me again?

I feel as if hes interested in other girls and dont get me wrong like were in love and stuff, but like things have changed i feel as if he is not interested in me anymore, is there something i can do so he realises that he misses and wants me. Another thing we both have this girl mate and i am not that close 2 i will say hes more close 2 her but like i dont get whats going on if i text her she never replies but if he texts her she replies within that minute and it really ticks me of but he dont see that. I feel as if im loosing him.. (We been together for 2years nearly but things are just getting boring or im either getting blanked coz hes always busy) Thanks for the help!! xx

Please read this poem I'd love some feedback: thinking about writing a book on my life.?

Wow... Can't say I enjoyed that "poem". It would be suitable book material though. I am sorry to hear of your difficult life, sounds sad.

Cant belive she did this to me?

am now in my last yr of school and when we do P.E i still dont like having to shower with the rest of the guys in my class so i thought i would nip home and get one there. when i got home the door was locked so i new no one was and i let myself in and hand my shower. when i was finsh i dint bother puting a towl round me as i new no one was home. i'd not had a **** for couple of days now so i thought i might as well have one as i naked. on my bedroom wall i've got this really sexy poster of pixie lott so i stood in front of the poster and started to masturbate. i've never been able to last long when wanking and with in two minutes i was to blow. what i dint no is my sister and her best friend had came home while i was in the shower and i dint here them. i started to say pixie's name out loud and my sister friend must heard me. i could not hold it in any longer and i turn my head to the right and to my horror my sister's friend was stood there with her phone in her hand filming me. i tryed to stop myself but it was to late. i started to shout at her but she ran out the room and out the house. when i got back to school i relasied people were looking at me kinda funny and then this one girl in my class came up me and ask if i'd seen pixie's new must video and i was like no why?. she then said she would go on youtube and put it on for me. she told me to watch it and when she pressed play i could not belive it. my sister's mate had uploaded the video of me wanking on the net. now everyone in school has seen it and they are now all calling me name's like one-hit wonder and pixie lover. what makes it worse is girl who are in my sister's year have seen it and there only 14/15 and they are calling me pin dick and tick-tack. am so iinbarrsed about it and dont no what to do.

My best friend is a goof?

Well my best friend isnt crazy or retarded, she just sometimes gets out of control silly. Like after our soccer game she jept begging and begging my mom to take us for ice cream and it was funny at first but then it got annoying. And when we got to her house to drop her off, she got out and slammed the door which kinda ticked my mom off. (she was trying to be funny but...) and we were in her driveway for like 5 min trying to gently verbally pry her away from my car. Im kinda embarressed and my mom was kinda pissed. So how can i approach her about her "sillyness" cause shes super sensetive. Please please what should i do??? Also shes always saying shes fat and ugly when shes not.

Car trouble 1996 Ford Tarus running on 5 cyclinders instead of 6?

1996 Ford Tarus Wagon , 3.0 Duratec V-6 Dual cam . It runs on 5 cyclinders and backfires inside intake manifold and sputters ,bogs when accelerated especially up hill . Stall at stop lights and hard to start again . Smells of raw gas all the time , when started and while accelerating . U can hear liffer noise on back side of motor click ,clicking I tried taking off intake manifold ,got all nuts and bolts off ,linkage and hoses and still couldn't budge rear part ,seemed like it was anchored on back there by something I couldn't see or feel ?. There is also oil in butterfly housing . Any suggestions?.

Cant believe i let this happen?

am now in my last yr of school and when we do P.E i still dont like having to shower with the rest of the guys in my class so i thought i would nip home and get one there. when i got home the door was locked so i new no one was and i let myself in and hand my shower. when i was finsh i dint bother puting a towl round me as i new no one was home. i'd not had a **** for couple of days now so i thought i might as well have one as i naked. on my bedroom wall i've got this really sexy poster of pixie lott so i stood in front of the poster and started to masturbate. i've never been able to last long when wanking and with in two minutes i was to blow. what i dint no is my sister and her best friend had came home while i was in the shower and i dint here them. i started to say pixie's name out loud and my sister friend must heard me. i could not hold it in any longer and i turn my head to the right and to my horror my sister's friend was stood there with her phone in her hand filming me. i tryed to stop myself but it was to late. i started to shout at her but she ran out the room and out the house. when i got back to school i relasied people were looking at me kinda funny and then this one girl in my class came up me and ask if i'd seen pixie's new must video and i was like no why?. she then said she would go on youtube and put it on for me. she told me to watch it and when she pressed play i could not belive it. my sister's mate had uploaded the video of me wanking on the net. now everyone in school has seen it and they are now all calling me name's like one-hit wonder and pixie lover. what makes it worse is girl who are in my sister's year have seen it and there only 14/15 and they are calling me pin dick and tick-tack. am so iinbarrsed about it and dont no what to do.

I have a 1999 yukon that starts then stalls in seconds?

My battery went dead upon taking it out and charging it and put it back in it won't start just stalls I try to rev but just stalls sometimes it sound like a slight backfire through intake?

How can I restore my Volume and Network icons?

This is a glitch in windows vista, it is very unlucky to get it. There is not much you can do, I had this glitch once and it fixed itself when I restarted my laptop. Hope this was some help :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Am i weird for actually reading the Terms & Conditions...?

well am i ??.. .. cuz i don't usually ''tick'' the li'l tiny 'agree' box without printing the T&C and reading it overnight, and then click agree the next day... is that pushing it ??..

If Georgia failed to keep inmates doing the jobs illegals left behind, would Arizona also fail?

I asked a similar question and was given the impression that americans/legal immigrants who really need work will do the job. If inmates can't handle the job, they certainly can't.

What should happen to Blackstone who took �1Bn out of the Residential Care system?

Interesting question. But there is a problem. You see, people like to cherry pick capitalism. They love the housing market when values rise every year. They love it when they can borrow more and more money against that rising asset at ridiculously low interest rates. But when the housing market falls suddenly they don't like that part of capitalism. Yet that is a dictate of capitalism, markets rise and fall. Most people would love if they could do what Blackstone did, carve a nice deal and make lots of loot. But when it is being done to your granny....maybe it don't look so good. The truth is people are very ambivalent about capitalism...which is why the fat cats get away with it now and will continue to do so in the future. Nothing will happen to Blackstone.

Are lucid dreams a good thing?

Well was it an actual lucid dream (waking up in the dream doing whatever you want) ??? But to answer your question yes lucid dreams are awesome. You can do WHATEVER you want no comsequences.

Is it inhumane to put my cat in a diaper?

my cat is just about 7 and just recently he's been peeing (not spraying) a little bit on the carpet, well my room mates are trying to sell the house we're sating in and we're moving in a month so it wont be for too long...but the other option is to put arthur in a cage for a month which i am totally opposed to!

Why did they kill Osama!?

Yes i believe he was guilty of what i can't say because i'm not educated enough. But why did they kill him without a fair trial? That was wrong. I don't care what you guys say about 9/11 what United Sates did was messed up. They should have took him into custody period, he was not armed they just said there was no security at his compound & his daughter was his daughter. I feel bad for the victims of 9/11 too. But you don't fight crime with crime !

Am trying to move out from parents house help?

You're an adult now and if you're able to move out, just go get a place and move out. Tell your parents you love them but you're old enough and mature enough to take care of yourself. If they try to guilt-trip you, just ignore it. You can't live with them your whole life just because they don't want you to grow up. When you move out they'll eventually get over it.

What's wrong with my cat?

There's only one answer to your inquiry: GET HER TO THE VET A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!! If you can't afford a vet then turn her over to a shelter that will give her proper medical care!

How to ask for sponsorship to run for Sate Fair Queen?

I was curious as to how and whom I could ask for sponsorship to run for State Fair Queen this year as my first year running. Sponsorship would include tack, money, etc. I've just never really had to find sponsorship before, but obviously will need to. Any answers, tips, and/or advice would be greatly appreciated and I'd be more than grateful. Thanks a ton!

Help with a Yugioh Fire Deck?

I think you'll want to add Darkblaze Dragon due to it's ability to double it's attack score (1200) when special summoned and when it destroys monsters you deal that monsters base attack as damage to your opponent. Kind of like a Flame Wingman. Darkblaze Dragon would be great with a boost from Molten Destruction and Salamandra.

Is this writing any good?

This is good, I answered in more detail in your other post of this question, just don't listen to bloby, that kind of response is ignorant and rude.

Should I Start Over? Need opinions please!?

I am 18, a Sophmore (but still a first year student) at a Sate University. My goal is to get into Medical School. I have a 3.55 GPA (I know its bad [for a pre-med student] ), and have done horrible this Semester (Withdrew from 4 classes and got 2 C's). I want to just go to a diffrent University and start over with a clean slate...Is that a good desicion? Medical school is very comppetitive and one bad semester can really ruin it for me. I want to hear some opinions regarding this debate. BTW I am hispanic giving me a geater chance in getting into Med. School (If that counts for anything). Thanks in advance!

YFZ450 back fires and turns off HELP!?

so my yfz450 starts up and idols normally but once i start to rev it up it back fires and turns off. the higher i rev the rpms the more it backfires. Can anyone tell me what to do to fix my quad? Btw it has a racing engine completely redone, if that helps.

When someone prank calls you, what do you say to make their call backfire?

Okay me and my friend are just sitting here looking at stuff on right? when someone calls my cell with a RESTRICTED number and they said they were from a mustard company, and my friend said something back but we need a better backfire plan then ''Spencers Sperm Bank'' and ''Marty's Mortuary'' ..........HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001 vstar 650 custom hypercharger and rejet kit and still feels like its bogging and like sputtering?

i am having a issue i bought a hypercharger and put it on my 2001 vstar 650 custom i think it has after market pipes but im not to surebut it felt fine at stock but i wanted to upgrade but now it felt like it was starving for fuel and it calls for the rejet kit so i purchased that put it in it came with 3 diffrent jets a 117.5 / 120 / 122.5 and idle screw i tryed the 120 and 122.5 and when i get into it boggs like sputtering and backfiring when i get into like half way on the throttle and its driving me crazy cause i cant figure why so someone please help thanks

I'm really confused about a guy, help?

Me and this guy are close mates. He's really nice to me and we always talk. The other day i liked one of his fb statuses, it was one of those like and i'll tick the boxes ones. Among a few others he put you're hot and you mean something to me, this made me really happy because i kinda like him. I put the same status on and gave him those two things back. One problem, he has a gf. I've never seen them talk or anything though. I would like help because I like him and i'm not sure what to do thanks :)

Who else thinks that sports card "grading" is a scam?

If you don't get your cards graded,they aren't worth nearly the same as when they are graded.Grading physically doesn't change the card one bit,other than some rip-off company telling you what you already knew...that your card is awesome,mediocre,or that it sucks.They also way over-charge to do the grading.How did these guys muscle in on the card industry and make it so you have to have their "blessings" to have your cards considered "worthy"? Come on,I hope I'm not the only one who thinks these companies suck and over-charge.And to top it off,many of them use totally different grading systems so you have to have a chart to cross reference what each one equals to the next.Stupid man...they tick me off.

Was it wrong to speak up?

You were right to speak up. I think you should go back to the guidance counselor and tell her your dilemma and possibly a new teacher.

Why don't women find southern accents attractive?

I am from western North Carolina very close to the Tennessee sate line. I have a very thick Appalachian accent, and all my life I've been put down and poked fun at. But here recently I have done a lot of international travel and a lot of women from countries outside the US and Canada have openly stated that they find it very attractive and unique, which has boosted my confidence a lot. I'm curious to know why do so many American women not give me the time of day because I sound like a hillbilly, but so many chicks from Belgium, Italy, and the Balkans find it amazing? I will admit for a young guy I seem to have a aged demeanor, and good temperament. I am very respectful and one might call me an old fashioned southern gentleman. Is that what makes me seem attractive? I'm really interested in knowing what you guys think hold nothing back I can take the criticism.

How to sync music on two computers without deleting old songs?

I want to sync music on another computer's itunes but it tells me that it will erase all my old songs... I searched on the apple website and it gave me instructions to manage the iphone 'manually'. But when i follow the instructions and click apply after ticking the 'manage manually' box, it tells me that it will erase the songs again.... what should i do?

How can we keep kangaroos away?

Large reds don't have any natural predators, so they fear nothing. Ticks also live in long grass and that's where dogs usually pick them up. Short of yelling out "Paaa, where's the gun !". You'll have to keep your dog away from the grasslands and wash her regularly with a good cattle wash, it won't hurt her, with been using it on our bluey for years. Or create a fenced off pen and keep the grass mowed. It's only the white ticks you have to worry about and they don't jump long distance like people think. Remember the roo's have been here for a lot longer than any man and have more of a right to feed on the land than we do. If you're from the south, the smaller greys are scared of eagle, a small solar powered mp3 player connected to a loud speaker, continually playing a screeching eagle will keep them away, but won't solve the overall tick problem.

Bin-Ladin Denies Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks, the real reason he could not be taken alive?

Obama is a hero to millions now, if it is true that OBL was Bush's scapegoat, then that makes it all the more ironic

Where in the constitution did the Sates authorize the feds to determine where companies move?

No where did the states authorize the federal government to do this. This is a clear overstep of authority. . To the person who mentioned "regulate commerce" please recall that the 18th century definition of "to regulate" means " to make regular". Prior to the constitution, States were taxing goods from each other at different and unfair rates.

Flipped a go kart now it wont start?

hi i had a manco 269cc gocart and i drove it intense and flipped it it w3as awsome but after it fliped when ever you tried to pull start it it backfired and smoked so i thouyght it was becausse it was burning oil but idk it doesnt smoke anymore but it still dont start it turns over but im not sure if tghe spark plug is getting a spark any suggestuions?

Do you think Republicans are going to be able to stonewall job creation until after the elections?

You kind of answered your own question with that paragraph of information which your provided for yourself on the other not for your bottom two questions - I am a Republican and I would vote for a Republican President just as many others would I don't think that the people who do vote Republican think it is "stupid" either. They are not prolonging the recession if you ask me the Democrats are. Continuous spending and borrowing is getting us nowhere really fast.

My crush embarrased me?

lmao watta jerk, how old are you guys? if your really young, he's probably not into girls that much yet... if your in like high school, then he thinks your weird...

Moving from Florida to Washington Sate any advice?

any advice i'm going to be a freshmen and moving to washington in october any advice really about winter clothing or anything

Does two days seem like a long time not to contact someone you are dating?

Don't bug him yet! I think that while it is nice to talk every day, it is far from a hard and fast rule. If he's busy with his family, let him off. Wait a few weeks, then worry.

Why aren't my whatsapp messages delivering?

I installed whatsapp a few months ago & it was running great until a few weeks ago. When you a message is sent, one tick appears and when delivered, two ticks appears. So a few weeks ago, it only showed one tick when messaging a certain contact. But now only one tick shows to all my contacts! can someone please tell me how to fix this so i can talk to my contacts! thanks.

How do you adjust two stroke timing? where is the stator?

400 polaris scrambler cut out for 30 minutes had to drive home out of a mountain had plenty gas. anyway now wont start will sometimes backfire like a 12 gauge shotgun. sounds to me like a timing jump

Is this good to say? Is it creepy?

I would say something along the lines of..." Hey how's your summer going so far?" as a starter. Then, I would eventually say something like..." Maybe you and I should hang out sometime" or invite her to an activity with a group of friends (water slides, beach, etc.). That way she won't feel pressured because it won't be just the two of you.

Teachers assistant is staring at me?

If you're lesbian and she knows, then she stares at you because, most probably, she likes you and wants you to know. The age difference is not important.

88 Ford 2.3L Efi timng problems?

I just purchased a 88 mustang, when i crank it over it does do anything but crank. I tested the injectors and they are getting a signal and the plugs are firing. I have moved the timing belt 3 times to try to get it dead on , i get the crank at tdc and the distributer to number one cylnder but i wasnt so sure about the cam because someone looked it up in a book and it said to position the dot on the wheel all the way to the top but i found on the internet it said to line it up with a mark at the bottom , I've ran it both ways and it backfires out of the intake no matter what i do

Long distance relationship help please..?

sorry to say but long distance relationships rarely ever work out.there is so much distance between the two people and many other distractions. i think that you need to have a talk with him about this if you haven't already, but if you have talked to him and you don't feel that your gettin anywhere and you feel that your love isn't there anymore then either tell him that you want to see other people or just end it altogether. i wish you all the best and i hope that it all works out for you..good luck.

My friend keeps making judgements about my weight?

I'm not fat, nor was I ever fat, just a little chubby. I'm 5'3", 16 years old, and weighed 145 pounds a couple of months ago. I wasn't fat, but i DID want to start eating healthier and slim down a little. I started counting calories with the LoseIt! app on my iPod and I lost 30 pounds in a month and my friend was really excited that I lost weight that quickly so she decided to jump on to the weight loss train. She was never actually big to begin with, she weighed 108 and wanted to bring it down to 100. Since we started losing weight, she always has to make comments to me. For example, if we go out to eat and I want to pick something from the menu, she'll say "Do you know how many calories are in that? Are you sure you can eat that today?" She worries about my calories in a condescending way like I don't know what I can and can't eat! I'm better about my calories than she is and I always pre-plan my meals for the day just to make sure it fits in my calorie budget, so for her to treat me like an idiot, it ticks me off. Another thing, since it's summer, we usually go out to swim in her pool or to the beach, and everytime she sees me in a bikini, she'll tap my stomach and say "OOooh! someone's chunky!" I laugh along with her, but it really bugs me. Even if i'm not in a bikini, like, if i'm just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, she'll say something about my jiggly thighs or my chicken wing arms. I'll try to make a comeback like, you have jiggly thighs too, but she'll just say "well it's not as bad as yours!". I hate being around her now because she annoys me with her comments. How can I deal with this? or better yet, how can I make her stop?

Why do men marry bit*ches? Or even Date Bit*ches? 10 points best answer!?

Sometimes I think I'm too nice in general. And it is not the way too be all the time. It can backfire, and I can loose good friends I feel in my life, or whatever. How do I be nice, but stop being so dang nice? I feel like it takes away energy from who I really am. Ya know? Think it has everything to do about how I was taught. But niceness can be a dang curse....just straight up curse. How do I be assertively nice but not overly nice to make ppl respect me and not try 2 take advantage of me? Is there anyone who can give me their words of wisdom? Howthey deal with certain ppl? Scenarios? Best answer gets 10 solid points! All the guys get great Karma =D thanks so much for your time!

Ladies Help! What should I do or how do I handle this situation with my girlfriend?

Well if she is a dancer, then you should try and take up ballet too, otherwise you have no other interests to have a relationship with.

Has the Media Witch Hunt Backfires, Boosts Palin’s Public Image!?

I agree completely.. One would wonder why the media hasn't made much od pelosi's wealth going up 60 odd percent in the past year. what if a republican had done so well....

Car won't tick over or start!?

Hi, I have a 95 fto import and it won't start. It's been sitting in my drive for a few weeks and the last time I started it, it was fine. Today I tried to start it and it won't tick over there are no dash lights coming on or anything. The only light that is on is the door open light. I thought it was the battery so I connected it up to my focus for about 20 mins and still nothing. I put my focus battery in and again nothing. Can anyone help me??

I can't take this anymore, everybody teasese and My life just keeps getting worse?

just like with anything, bad stuff might be going wrong in your life now but in the future it should get better. don't worry about the people bullying you, just ignore them and they'l realise you dont give a poop and they will get bored. your kind of bullies only seem to bully to look big, they enjoy when you get upset from what they do. when they realise you no longer take notice, they wont enjoy it and move on. good luck

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do small restaurants typically handle it when a large group arrives without a reservation?

Report your displeasure with the manager on duty. Be firm and let them know why you were unhappy. If they don't resolve your issue, move it up the chain and talk to the owner or district manager.

My kitten is sick! HELPPP!?

About a month and a half ago, two very adorable kittens showed up on my doorstep. They couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. We named them Lois and Clark(one is a boy, one is a girl). Lois, who is normally very energetic and always exploring(hence their names), has been extremely sick for the past couple of days. She is lethargic, and she pretty much refuses to move unless you move her yourself. For example, I sat her on her bed, and she just stood there, falling asleep. I laid her down, and she would not move at all, not even when little Clark came to play. She has a very warm and dry nose, but her feet are relatively cool. She is constantly purring, but from time to time she will sneeze. I am extremely worried about her. She is an outside cat, so ticks are probable(I found one on her just a few minutes ago, but it was small), and they have probably had fleas, too.(I just gave them a bath the other day) Any help would be amazing.

Good Ways For Teens To Make Money .? IMPORTANT *?

sell water, sell things on or e-bay, get a job, these are all things that im doing and their all working. good luck :)

What things tick you off?

What p!sses you off the most? Name as many things as you want, this is for people to share about things they wanna get off their chest! What grinds your gears?

Motorcylcle backfiring?

Have you checked the timing?And you don't say where it's backfiring.Through the carb or through the exhaust?Either way i would suspect improper timing.Be careful leaning the carb out too far.You cause your engine to have a melt down.

I'm an athlete and I want to tone up my legs and loose fat on them help!!?

It isn't a good idea to have loose fat. You should lose it instead by burning more calories than you eat.

Just dumped a girl and now confused if I made the right decision?

When someone doesn't react or they ignore you it can be worse then having an all out screaming match. When someone can be that emotionless it means that they may not care to much about you "sorry to be harsh". It also could mean that she doesn't know what to say or how to handle things depending on how she feels about you. It seems like she maybe a very busy person and that the relationship has not been going on long enough for you and her to be #1 priority on her list. I would simply say to her that you really want to be with her, but you feel like she has not made time for you or time to give the relationship a chance to turn into more. If she has to much going on then maybe its best to break it off and leave things open for a future chance to get back together when things are less busy.

Can a fart backfire back to your brain?

I tried to fart but instead of it coming out my but it went backwards into my brain now I feel alittle stupider. Please help me are these effects permanent?

What questions mights be asked?

So I am going to be participating in this business entrepreneur competition next week and I basically already have everything together and organized. What I need to know now is what kind or questions the judges might ask me. To help you out, my business is a tutoring services and instead of you coming to me, I will come to you and I am a Sole Proprietorship. Please think of questions that the judges might ask me. And just in case there might be anyone here who knows, the program thats providing all this is called NFTE. and they have had finals, city-sate finals and championship competitions, which is like nationals or something. Last years winner was Nia Froome and she won 10,00 dollars of it. Anyways, I'm saying all this for just in case anyone knows what I'm talking about and might be able to help me more based on the slides for my business. Even if you don't know what I'm talking about, I would still like to hear your questions. Please and thank you. (and I will add additional details, if needed)

What do i say to my former boss?

okay so i got fired from my job a few days ago (im only 15). and my parents were curious as to why i got fired, so they asked my bosses. they said that i did a bad job of following the general expectations, but the main reason was because they thought that i stole money (which i never did). their only evidence was a phone call from a parent, who claimed they overheard a conversation about me stealing money. so, my parents are really ticked off about it, especially because they were friends with my bosses. my mom says shes fine, but i know shes not. ive gotten over it, but im 100% sure that my mom is really upset that they would accuse me of stealing with so little evidence. i know she wants to say something to them, like maybe tell them off and say shes willing to move on, but she told my dad shed probably cry if she was to say something. i feel like i should say something to them, but i don't know what to say. i know my mom wouldn't want me to tell them off because she wants me to be mature about this. but i still feel like i should say something; like i should tell them how angry i am that they'd accuse me of theft, and how pissed i am that they made my mom this sad. but i just don't know exactly how to put it into the right words. thanks! best answer gets 10 points!